Government Vincent Doedee Government Vincent Doedee

China ETS

China’s national ETS – the world’s largest in terms of covered emissions – started operating in 2021. Shipping is not included, for the moment. Learn more about ETS here.

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Vincent Doedee Vincent Doedee

ECA (Emission Control Area)

ECAs (Emission Control Areas) are sea areas that limit SOx or NOx emissions. Currently there are several ECAs active in North America and Europe. Learn more about ECAs here.

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IMO Vincent Doedee IMO Vincent Doedee

Global Sulphur Limit

For ships operating outside Emission Control Areas (ECAs), the limit for sulphur content of fuel oil is 0.50% m/m (mass by mass). Learn more about the global sulphur limit for shipping here.

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Port Vincent Doedee Port Vincent Doedee

Shanghai Port

Port of Shanghai has the ambition to become carbon neutral by 2060. Learn more about the targets and ambitions of Shanghai with regards to maritime sustainability here.

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IMO Vincent Doedee IMO Vincent Doedee


The Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan II (SEEMP II) is the updated version of the first SEEMP. It includes to obligation of vessels of 5000 GT and above to input CO2 data into the IMO Data Collection System (DCS). Learn more about SEEMP II and how it impacts your vessel’s operations here.

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Energy Major Vincent Doedee Energy Major Vincent Doedee


Rosneft has the ambition to become carbon neutral by 2050. Learn all more about the targets and ambitions of Rosneft with regards to maritime sustainability here.

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Energy Major Vincent Doedee Energy Major Vincent Doedee


Sinopec has the ambition to become carbon neutral by 2050. Learn all more the targets and ambitions of Sinopec with regards to maritime sustainability here.

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Energy Major Vincent Doedee Energy Major Vincent Doedee


PetroChina has the ambition to become carbon neutral by 2050. Learn all more the targets and ambitions of PetroChina with regards to maritime sustainability here.

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Energy Major Vincent Doedee Energy Major Vincent Doedee


Petronas has the ambition to become carbon neutral by 2050. Learn all more the targets and ambitions of Petronas with regards to maritime sustainability here.

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Shipping Company Vincent Doedee Shipping Company Vincent Doedee


COSCO has the ambition to become carbon neutral by 2060. Learn more about the targets and ambitions of COSCO with regards to maritime sustainability here.

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IMO Vincent Doedee IMO Vincent Doedee


The IMO Data Collection System (DCS) is the reporting system for IMO that collects data as part of SEEMP II. Ships above 5000 GT are required to yearly input aggregated data to flag state. Impact on operations is limited. Learn more about IMO DCS here.

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Vincent Doedee Vincent Doedee


The Ship Energy Efficiency Management Procedure (SEEMP) is a - not too stringent - IMO mandated plan to increase energy efficiency and reduce emissions. Learn more about SEEMP and how it impacts your vessel’s operations here.

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IMO Vincent Doedee IMO Vincent Doedee


The Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) is a rating to determine carbon intensity of your vessel by IMO. It is part of SEEMP III and mandates a reduction of 11% by 2026 and 70% by 2050. Learn more about CII and how it affects your vessel’s operations here.

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IMO Vincent Doedee IMO Vincent Doedee


Learn all about Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) and how different parameters impact your design.

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IMO Vincent Doedee IMO Vincent Doedee


Learn all about EEXI and how it affects your operations.

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IMO Vincent Doedee IMO Vincent Doedee

NOx Tiers

Learn all about IMO Tier I-III NOx regulations and how it affects your vessel operations.

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