Port Vincent Doedee Port Vincent Doedee

Port of Marseille

The Port of Marseille, headquartering CMA CGM, committed themselves, by signing a Blue Charter, to respecting rules that are much more stringent than national and international regulations. These include the use of shore power from 2025 for ships fitted with the equipment.

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Vincent Doedee Vincent Doedee

Carbon Tax Worldwide

The Global Pricing Dashboard made by the World Bank is one of the most complete overviews carbon pricing initiatives worldwide. 23.17% of all global greenhouse gas emissions were covered in 2022. Only EU ETS aims to incorporate shipping emissions at the moment, others are expected to follow suit.

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Port Vincent Doedee Port Vincent Doedee

Port of Los Angeles

One of the most stringent ports in the world regarding shore power, which is mandatory by 2027 for all vessels by authority of CARB.

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Government Vincent Doedee Government Vincent Doedee


China officially aims for carbon neutrality “before 2060”. With legislation on carbon tax and fuel specifications upcoming but not yet active in the foreseeable years, main focus has been on the development of shore power infrastructure but the technology remains under-utilized in ports in the country.

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Government Vincent Doedee Government Vincent Doedee


Learn more about the targets, ambitions and upcoming rules and regulations of the Netherlands with regards to maritime sustainability here.

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Vincent Doedee Vincent Doedee

IMO Regulations on Sustainability

IMO aims for 11% carbon intensity reduction per 2026, 40% in 2030 and 70% reduction in 2050. MARPOL and MEPC are key regulatory bodies within IMO. Virtually all rules and regulations apply to vessels of 5.000 GT and above. The most important rules and regulations for shipowners to comply with are SEEMP (includes DCS and CII), EEXI/EEDI and Emission Controlled Areas (ECAs).

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Vincent Doedee Vincent Doedee

IMO Carbon Price

A global carbon tax has been proposed by an IMO working group, but the costs and effective date are far from known. Learn what is known about the proposed pricing here.

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Government Vincent Doedee Government Vincent Doedee

China ETS

China’s national ETS – the world’s largest in terms of covered emissions – started operating in 2021. Shipping is not included, for the moment. Learn more about ETS here.

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Government Vincent Doedee Government Vincent Doedee


The ETD is the principal taxing scheme used for fossil and low-carbon fuels in EU. Fossil fuels will be taxed more, and renewable low-carbon fuels will receive incentives, including shore power.

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Government Vincent Doedee Government Vincent Doedee


RED targets supply side - production - of fuels in the EU, aiming for a 40% energy share from renewable sources by 2030.

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Government Vincent Doedee Government Vincent Doedee


AFIR targets the supply side of marine infrastructure and fuels in the EU, mandating the use of low-carbon fuels and shore power by 2030.

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Government Vincent Doedee Government Vincent Doedee


EU MRV is the CO2 reporting system in Europe, used for carbon tax determination. It is applicable to vessels of 5000 GT and above. It is expected to apply to 400 GT and above. Learn more about EU MRV here.

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Vincent Doedee Vincent Doedee

ECA (Emission Control Area)

ECAs (Emission Control Areas) are sea areas that limit SOx or NOx emissions. Currently there are several ECAs active in North America and Europe. Learn more about ECAs here.

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IMO Vincent Doedee IMO Vincent Doedee

Global Sulphur Limit

For ships operating outside Emission Control Areas (ECAs), the limit for sulphur content of fuel oil is 0.50% m/m (mass by mass). Learn more about the global sulphur limit for shipping here.

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Port Vincent Doedee Port Vincent Doedee

Port of Singapore

Learn all about the sustainable ambitions of the Port of Singapore, in particular with regards to shore power.

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Government Vincent Doedee Government Vincent Doedee

HBE (Hernieuwbare Brandstof Eenheden)

In the Netherlands, ‘Renewable Fuel Units’ (HBEs) are an economic incentive to gradually expand the use of green energy in transport and the reduction of greenhouse gasses. Fossil fuel producers are required to purchase HBEs from green fuel producers. The market is controlled by the Dutch Emission Authority. You can make up to €0.20 per green kWh sold. Learn more about HBEs here.

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Government Vincent Doedee Government Vincent Doedee

PAS (Programma Aanpak Stikstof)

The Programma Aanpak Stikstof (PAS) is a Dutch law that strictly prohibits the deposition of NOx on environmental protection areas in the Netherlands. Impact on maritime operations can be severe - in particular for wind farm construction - required 80% NOx reduction on top of Tier III restrictions. Learn more about PAS here.

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