Battery for inland vessels

 Shore power provided by battery at Maaskade in Rotterdam for inland vessels (63A / 100 kWh)

In February 2022, Skoon Energy placed a battery system on Noordereiland for the Port of Rotterdam to boost shore power for stationary inland vessels. Addressing power shortfalls, the battery supported shore power cabinets, successfully delivering up to 63A without tripping fuses, benefiting both vessels and residents. This solution also enabled supplying power to larger ships, aligning with sustainability goals and showcasing potential expansion across the city center.

Shore power by battery

In February 2022, Skoon Energy installed a battery system on Noordereiland on behalf of the Port of Rotterdam Authority to strengthen the local shore power supply for inland vessels. In the centre of Rotterdam, running an onboard generator is prohibited for stationary inland vessels to avoid noise pollution and harmful emissions. Inland vessels are therefore obliged to use shore power facilities, but some vessels require more power than the existing facilities can supply. This led to blackouts for shipowners, and them running on generators instead of shore power.

The battery supported the shore power cabinets that are located on the quay by making more power available to the moored vessels. The project lasted until March 31, 2022, and showed that the battery system in combination with the local shore power cabinet could meet the power demand of the vessel.

63 Ampere instead of 40

Since 2010, shore power cabinets for inland vessels have been installed at about 60 locations in the centre of Rotterdam. These cabinets can supply shore power to four to six inland vessels up to a maximum of 40 Ampere. Some larger inland vessels (in CEMT class V and above) require more power. To meet this demand without having to take drastic measures, the Port Authority has opted for this flexible solution.

By placing the battery between the existing shore power cabinet and the inland vessel, the battery will supply additional power to reach up to 63A if more than the basic 40A is needed. In such a case, without the battery in between, the fuses would blow and the connected vessels would experience a power outage. That means the vessel in question and those coming afterwards would not be able to connect to shore power until the repairs are finished.

In addition to solving this power problem, linking the battery system also made it possible to supply larger ships with shore power.

Community benefits for Rotterdammers

Not only inland vessels benefit from the use of the battery system. Local residents on Noordereiland were also satisfied with this step. With generators turned off, there is less noise nuisance at the quays. In addition, this also contributed to cleaner air in the immediate vicinity, which is an important reason for the current generator ban. The Port Authority is happy to look further into how this solution contributes to a better living environment and the achievement of sustainability objectives in other places in the centre of Rotterdam.

About Skoon Energy

Skoon is accelerating the energy transition with a software platform for mobile clean energy. Ships, ports, festivals, events, construction sites, grid operators and many other applications can now easily access clean energy, through our online marketplace called Skoon Sharing. Skoon Suite is a SaaS tool for the supply side of our platform, making rental management scalable for the owners of mobile energy assets.


Skoon - Battery installed to supply extra strong shore power for inland vessels

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